​Clonex® Mist


Clonex® Mist is a root stimulator to be used on both your mother plants and clones.

  • It is designed to work in conjunction with Clonex® Gel to produce vigorous healthy cuttings with strong roots.
  • It is used to mist cuttings at regular intervals during the rooting process. Clonex® Mist contains no hormones and is completely safe and non-toxic.
  • It is supplied in a black mister bottle 100Ml, 300ml, 750ml,- ready to use – with a full, illustrated instruction sheet. Now also in concentrated Quart size (makes 5 gallon)
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    SKU: 39020 Category:

    Additional information

    Weight 0,34 kg
    Dimensions 6 × 6 × 19 cm