Karma Cone Tips
These hand-made Tips are highly absorbent and remove excess tar and nicotine from your cigarette to give you an unsurpassed smoking experience. These are 100% biodegradable and 100% Chlorine Free. They will soon blossom into flowers wherever you throw your cigarette butts.
Roach-tips with special seeds that sprout anywhere you throw your butts. You are not littering anymore, you are planting trees. Positive karma for all! 100% organic, biodegradable and chemical free, handmade filter tips that release live seeds into the ground when disposed of.. Seeds consist of Amaranth, Basil & Wild Flowers. More variations to follow…. No trees were harmed in the making of this product. These tips are made from vegetable and fruit pulp.
Did you Know ?
- The Most Commonly Found Pieces Of Trash In Oceans are cigarettes butts
- 4.5 Trillion Cigarette Butts Littered Every Year
- Most Synthetic Cigarette Butts Take Over 15 Years To Decompose Partially
- Synthetic Cigarette Butts Constitute Over 30% Of The Total Pieces Of Garbage Collected From the Sea
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